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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/30057579
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Record Id 30057579
Title Evaluating laser-driven Bremsstrahlung radiation sources for imaging and analysis of nuclear waste packages
Abstract A small scale sample nuclear waste package, consisting of a 28mm diameter uranium penny encased in grout, was imaged by absorption contrast radiography using a single pulse exposure from an X-ray source driven by a high-power laser. The Vulcan laser was used to deliver a focused pulse of photons to a tantalum foil, in order to generate a bright burst of highly penetrating X-rays (with energy >500keV), with a source size of <0.5mm. BAS-TR and BAS-SR image plates were used for image capture, alongside a newly developed Thalium doped Caesium Iodide scintillator-based detector coupled to CCD chips. The uranium penny was clearly resolved to sub-mm accuracy over a 30cm(2) scan area from a single shot acquisition. In addition, neutron generation was demonstrated in situ with the X-ray beam, with a single shot, thus demonstrating the potential for multi-modal criticality testing of waste materials. This feasibility study successfully demonstrated non-destructive radiography of encapsulated, high density, nuclear material. With recent developments of high-power laser systems, to 10Hz operation, a laser-driven multi-modal beamline for waste monitoring applications is envisioned.
Organisation CLF , CI , STFC
Funding Information Sellafield Ltd; STFC (ST/K502340/1)
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article Journal of Hazardous Materials 318 (2016): 694-701. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.07.057 2016