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DOI 10.5286/raltr.2016019
Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/30884953
Record Status Checked
Record Id 30884953
Title Simulation support and further Indirect Inelastic specific improvements within MANTID
Abstract The Manipulation and Analysis Toolkit for Instrument Data (MANTID) is an open source cross platform application specialising in the visualisation and analysis of muon and neutron data and is widely used throughout the scientific community worldwide. This document aims to lead on from the D. Nixon’s report “Simulation support within MANTID for molecular spectroscopy” [1] and describe the further improvements to the simulation support within MANTID. This report will also describe the changes made to plotting and saving in MANTID as well as changes made in the data analysis section for indirect inelastic spectroscopy. The report will also briefly touch on minor modifications relevant to indirect inelastic spectroscopy made between MANTID release 3.7 and 3.8. Finally, the report will conclude with a section advising possible future developments with indirect simulation and indirect geometry sections of MANTID.
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Licence Information: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-2016-019. STFC, 2016. RAL-TR-2016-019.pdf 2016