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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/31657598
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Record Id 31657598
Title Thermal Simulations of Wire Profile Monitors in ISIS Extracted Proton Beamline 1
Abstract Wire scanners and secondary emission (SEM) grids are used for measurements of transverse beam profile at the ISIS neutron and muon source. Silicon carbide-coated carbon fibre wires are used in profile monitors throughout the ISIS accelerator. One such SEM grid is currently installed close to the target in Extracted Proton Beamline 2 (EPB2) and is intercepted by the 800 MeV proton beam at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. Future profile measurements will require another of these monitors to be installed close to the target in EPB1; intercepted with a repetition rate of 40 Hz. Wires intercepting the ion beam are heated due to the deposition of beam-energy. Thermal simulations for the higher repetition rate were performed using ANSYS and a numerical code. The numerical code was then expanded to include various beam, wire and material properties. Assumptions for temperature dependent material emissivities and heat capacities were included in the simulation. Estimated temperatures due to the energy deposited by protons, and approximate values of deposited energy from the expected neutron flux are presented. The effects on wire-temperature of various beam and wire parameters are also discussed.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-ACCEL , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC), Barcelona, Spain, 12-15 Sept 2016, (2016). http://jacow.web.…/prepress/WEPG59.PDF 2016