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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32022973
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Record Id 32022973
Title Development of SRF Cavity Tuners for CERN
Abstract Su­per­con­duct­ing RF cav­ity de­vel­op­ments are cur­rently on-go­ing for new ac­cel­er­a­tor pro­jects at CERN such as HIE ISOLDE and HL-LHC. Me­chan­i­cal RF tun­ing sys­tems are re­quired to com­pen­sate cav­ity fre­quency shifts of the cav­i­ties due to tem­per­a­ture, me­chan­i­cal, pres­sure and RF ef­fects on the cav­ity geom­e­try. A rich his­tory and ex­pe­ri­ence is avail­able for such me­chan­i­cal tuners de­vel­oped for ex­ist­ing RF cav­i­ties. De­sign con­straints in the con­text of HIE ISOLDE and HL-LHC such as re­quired res­o­lu­tion, space lim­i­ta­tion, re­li­a­bil­ity and main­tain­abil­ity have led to new con­cepts in the tun­ing mech­a­nisms. This paper will dis­cuss such new ap­proaches, their per­for­mances and planned de­vel­op­ments.
Organisation TECH , CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2015), Whistler, BC, Canada, 13-18 September, 2015, (2015): 1247. http://accelconf.…5/papers/thpb060.pdf 2015