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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32024061
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Record Id 32024061
Title Engineering Design and Prototype Fabrication of HOM Couplers for HL-LHC Crab Cavities
Abstract The High-Lu­mi­nos­ity up­grade for the LHC re­lies on a set of RF Crab Cav­i­ties for reach­ing its goals. Two par­al­lel con­cepts, the Dou­ble Quar­ter Wave (DQW) and the RF Di­pole (RFD), are going through a com­pre­hen­sive de­sign process along with prepa­ra­tion of fab­ri­ca­tion in view of ex­ten­sive tests with beam in SPS. High Order Modes (HOM) cou­plers are crit­i­cal in pro­vid­ing damp­ing in RF cav­i­ties for op­er­a­tion in ac­cel­er­a­tors. HOM pro­to­typ­ing and fab­ri­ca­tion have re­cently started at CERN. In this paper, an overview of the final shape is pro­vided along with an in­sight in the me­chan­i­cal and ther­mal analy­ses per­formed to val­i­date the de­sign of these crit­i­cal com­po­nents. Em­pha­sis is also given to test cam­paigns, ma­te­r­ial se­lec­tion, pro­to­typ­ing and ini­tial fab­ri­ca­tion that are aimed at ful­fill­ing the highly de­mand­ing tol­er­ances of the cou­plers.
Organisation TECH , CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2015), Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, 13-18 Sept 2015, (2015): 1279-1283. http://accelconf.…5/papers/thpb069.pdf 2015