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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32499310
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Record Id 32499310
Title A Prototype 1 Mev X-Band Linac for Aviation Cargo Inspection
Abstract Aviation cargo Unit Load Device (ULD) containers are typically much smaller than standard shipping containers, with a volume of around 1m3. Standard 3-6 MeV X-ray screening linacs have too much energy to obtain sufficient contrast when inspecting ULD’s, hence a lower 1 MeV linac is required. In order to obtain a small physical footprint, which can be adapted to mobile platform applications a compact design is required, hence X-band technology is the ideal solution. A prototype 1 MeV linac cavity has been designed by Lancaster University, manufactured by Comeb (Italy) and tested at STFC Daresbury Laboratory using an e2v magnetron, modulator and electron gun. The cavity is a bi-periodic π/2 structure, with beam-pipe aperture coupling to simplify the manufacture at the expense of shunt impedance. The design, manufacture and testing of this linac structure is presented.
Organisation ASTeC , TECH , CI , STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 27th International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC14), Geneva, Switzerland, 31 Aug 2014 - 5 Sept 2014, (2014): 853-855. http://accelconf.…4/papers/thpp012.pdf 2014