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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/32883
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Record Id 32883
Title Damage profiles of ultra shallow B implants in Si and the Kinchin Pease relationship
Abstract Damage distributions resulting from 0.1–2keV 0.1–2keV B + B+ implantation at room temperature into Si(100) Si(100) to doses ranging from 1×10 14 1×1014 to 2×10 16 cm ?2 2×1016cm?2 have been determined using high-depth-resolution medium-energy-ion scattering in the double alignment mode. For all B + B+ doses and energies investigated a 3–4nm 3–4nm deep, near-surface damage peak was observed while for energies at and above 1keV 1keV , a second damage peak developed beyond the mean projected B + B+ ion range of 5.3nm 5.3nm . This dual damage peak structure is due to dynamic annealing processes. For the near-surface peak it is observed that, at the lowest implant energies and doses used, for which recombination processes are suppressed due to the proximity of the surface capturing interstitials, the value of the damage production yield for low-mass B + B+ ions is equal or greater than the modified Kinchin-Pease model predictions [G. H. Kinchin and R. S. Pease, Rep. Prog. Phys. 18, 1 (1955); G. H. Kinchin and R. S. Pease, J. Nucl. Energy 1, 200 (1955); P. Sigmund, Appl. Phys. Lett. 14, 114 (1969)].
Organisation CCLRC , SND , MEIS
Keywords Materials
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Appl Phys Lett 85, no. 15 (2004): 3074-3076. doi:10.1063/1.1801671 2004