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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/33360709
Record Status Checked
Record Id 33360709
Title Use of laser wakefield accelerators as injectors for compact storage rings
Abstract Compact storage rings require a compact acceleration solution. We propose the use of a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) as an injector for compact electron storage rings to produce synchrotron radiation. In particular, we study the injection of 0.7 GeV and 3 GeV electrons into the DIAMOND storage ring and consider implications for future storage ring design. Whilst laser-based acceleration is well- known as a driver for future electron-positron colliders and future free-electron lasers, here we propose it is also advantageous to provide electrons for 3rd-generation storage rings. The electron beams produced by LWFAs have a naturally very small emittance around 1 nm and moderate energy spread of a few percent. Combining these beam parameters with the compact size of a LWFA makes them highly favourable compared to traditional linac or booster synchrotron injector chains.
Organisation ASTeC , CI , STFC
Funding Information STFC (ST/G008248/1)
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'17), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-19 May 2017, (2017): 1760-1762. http://accelconf.…/papers/tupik036.pdf 2017