
The open archive for STFC research publications

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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/35372454
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Record Id 35372454
Title Coulomb-explosion imaging of concurrent CH2BrI photodissociation dynamics
Organisation ASTeC , STFC
Funding Information Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (05K10KT2); EPSRC (EP/G00224X/1); EPSRC (EP/L005913/1); EU, Seventh Framework Programme (238671); STFC (ST/J002895/1); SC; USADOE (DE-FG02-86ER13491); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-EXC1074); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (4577/1-1); ERC; Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft; G-RISC (G-RISC); G-RISC (C-2015a-6); G-RISC (C-2015b-6); G-RISC (C-2016b-7); G-RISC (2012-06757); G-RISC (2012-03946); SSF (FFL12-0101); Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-14-CE32-0010)
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Phys Rev A 96, no. 4 (2017): 043415. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.96.043415 2017