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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36657
Record Status Checked
Record Id 36657
Title Report on demonstration of correlation of spacecraft anomalies with environment data
Abstract This document presents the results of SEDAT work package 303 which is a demonstration of the application of SEDAT to perform a demonstration of correlation of spacecraft anomalies with environment data. There are several aspects of this application and these are reflected in the subsequent sections of the document. Section 3 describes the datasets used in this analysis. These include the SEDAT system datasets that provide data on those aspects of the space environment that may be linked with spacecraft anomalies, e.g. energetic electron fluxes. But they also include the data on anomalies and the positions of the spacecraft on which the anomalies occurred. The ingestion of these latter datasets is an activity within WP303, so their ingestion into SEDAT is discussed. Section 4 describes the correlation of anomalies with magnetic local time. This reveals the well known effect that anomalies are much more frequent in the morning sector. Section 5 describes the superposed epoch analysis in which we search for consistent patterns in space environment data taken around the time of anomalies (but focusing mainly on the period before an anomaly as required to look for casual links). The method of superposed epoch analysis is outlined and then its implementation within SEDAT is described. The analysis is applied both to data taken on the spacecraft on which the anomalies occurred and to data from other distant spacecraft. The results reveal both a broad general increase in electron fluxes (seen on all spacecraft) and a local increase just before the anomaly (seen only on the anomaly spacecraft). Finally to verify the analysis method we perform a superposed analysis using pseudo-random sampling rather than sampling around the time (or epoch) of anomalies. We show that the ariations in the results of this control test are consistent with random noise. Section 6 presents overall conclusions to the report including some caveats and ideas for follow-up work.
Organisation CCLRC , SSTD
Keywords Physics , space weather , energetic electrons , spacecraft anomalies
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report Report on demonstration of correlation of spacecraft anomalies with environment data, RAL-SED-RP-0303. wp303_report_v5.pdf 2004