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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/37841
Record Status Checked
Record Id 37841
Title Experiences with different middleware solutions on the NW-GRID
Abstract Grid computing is becoming an increasingly important way for computational scientists to access computer resources. However, there is currently no consensus on the optimum middleware for providing access to these resources, or even a uniform way for users to interact with a particular middleware solution. As part of our work on the NW-GRID project, and in our development of our CCP1 GUI software, we have had cause to use two of these solutions (Globus and NorduGrid ARC), together with various client-side tools that are under development to support them. This paper describes our experiences to date with these different solutions, and work that has been carried out using some them.
Keywords CCP1GUI , globus , Chemistry , GROWL , middleware , e-Science , Grid , Nordugrid , AHE , NW-GRID , Engineering
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In UK e-Science All Hands meeting 2007 (AHM 2007), Nottingham, (2007). CCP1GUI_GROWL.pdf 2007
Presentation Presented at UK e-Science All Hands meeting 2007 (AHM 2007), Nottingham, 10-13 Sept 2007. JensMiddlewareTalk.ppt 2007