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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/39262528
Record Status Checked
Record Id 39262528
Title The past is prologue: archiving workflows from the sublime to the ridiculous
Abstract A quick overview of generic (not domain specific) workflows for science data, starting with the simplest (checking file length) and going on to the blue sky stuff (blockchains). Main focus is on SCD's tapestore. Talk given at the computational archival science workshop at the National Archives, Kew, 07 Sept 2018.
Keywords workflows for science , GridPP , tapestore , computational archiving , blockchain
Funding Information GridPP
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Presentation Presented at Workshop on Computational Archival Science, The National Archives, Kew, England, 7-11 Sept 2018. 20180907-TNA-jensen.pptx 2018