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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/42500
Record Status Checked
Record Id 42500
Title Production of periodically modulated laser-driven blast waves in a clustering gas
Abstract To study hydrodynamic behavior on thin shell high Mach number blast waves, experiments have been performed in which spatially tailored shock waves have been launched in a gas of clusters using an intense 35fs laser pulse. The target medium was first modified by destroying clusters in specific locations using a spatially modulated laser focus. Under subsequent intense laser irradiation, the efficient absorption properties of the remaining clustered regions compared to those regions with no clusters led to a pattern of hot and cold plasma resulting in a cylindrical blast wave with a periodic modulation imprinted on the shock front. This technique may provide a method for studying thin shell instabilities in strongly radiative blast waves.
Organisation CCLRC , CLF
Keywords Physics , 52.35.Tc , 52.50.Jm , 52.72.+v
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article HEDP 3 (2007): 353-357. doi:10.1016/j.hedp.2007.05.001 2007