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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/45823564
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Record Id 45823564
Title Design, specifications, and first beam measurements of the compact linear accelerator for research and applications front end
D Angal-Kalinin (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, A Bainbridge (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Brynes (STFC Daresbury Lab., Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.)ORCID icon, R Buckley (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), S Buckley (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), G Burt, R Cash (STFC Daresbury Lab.), H Castaneda Cortes (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Christie, J Clarke (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), R Clarke (STFC Daresbury Lab.), L Cowie (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), P Corlett (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), G Cox (STFC Daresbury Lab.), K Dumbell (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Dunning (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, B Fell (STFC Daresbury Lab.), K Gleave (STFC Daresbury Lab.), P Goudket (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Goulden (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), S Griffiths (STFC Daresbury Lab.), M Hancock (STFC Daresbury Lab.), A Hannah (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), T Hartnett (STFC Daresbury Lab.), P Heath (STFC Daresbury Lab.), J Henderson (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), C Hill (STFC Daresbury Lab.), P Hindley (STFC Daresbury Lab.), C Hodgkinson (STFC Daresbury Lab.), P Hornickel (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), F Jackson (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, J Jones (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, T Jones (STFC Daresbury Lab.), N Joshi (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), M King (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), S Kinder (STFC Daresbury Lab.), N Knowles (STFC Daresbury Lab.), H Kockelbergh (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), K Marinov (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), S Mathisen (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, J McKenzie (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, K Middleman (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), B Militsyn (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, A Moss (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), B Muratori (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), T Noakes (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, W Okell (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Oates (STFC Daresbury Lab.), T Pacey (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), V Paramanov, M Roper (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), Y Saveliev (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Scott (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), B Shepherd (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), R Smith (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), W Smith (STFC Daresbury Lab.), E Snedden (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, N Thompson (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), C Tollervey (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), R Valizadeh (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Vick (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Walsh (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), T Weston (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Wheelhouse (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), P Williams (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, J Wilson (STFC Daresbury Lab.), A Wolski (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.)ORCID icon
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Journal Article Phys Rev Accel Beams 23, no. 4 (2020): 044801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.044801 2020