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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/48920
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Record Id 48920
Title Future Light Sources: Integration of Lasers, FELs and Accelerators at 4GLS
Abstract 4GLS is a novel next generation proposal for a UK national light source to be sited at Daresbury Laboratory, based on a superconducting energy recovery linac (ERL) with both high average current photon sources (undulators and bending magnets) and three high peak current free electron lasers. Key features are a high gain, seeded FEL amplifier to generate XUV radiation and the prospect of advanced research arising from unique combinations of sources with femtosecond pulse structure. The conceptual design is now completed and a CDR recently published. The 4GLS concept will be summarised, highlighting how the significant design challenges have been addressed, and the project status and plans explained.
Organisation CCLRC , ASTeC , ASTeC-MaRS , CI
Keywords 4GLS , Physics , Free Electron Laser
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In 28th International Free Electron Laser Conference (FEL 06), Berlin, Germany, 27 Aug 2006 - 1 Sept 2006, (2006). TUAAU02.pdf 2006