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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/49200495
Record Status Checked
Record Id 49200495
Title So many worlds, so much to do: what data science can do for you
Abstract In a nutshell, data science helps researchers manage data properly, to ensure the data is captured, stored, processed, annotated, made usable, and preserved, in order to support the research goals of the activity in question. Data science is used in almost any kind of research - whether the research is based on simulation, experiment or observations. This talk is a personal view from the perspective of a data scientist working with food scientists, but also covers what the speaker has learnt from working with food scientists. The presentation will give overview of data science, what it is and what it is good for, and how it improves past data practices to increase the impact of the research. We shall look at the tools used in data science - data management, cloud computing, machine learning, visualisation, etc., with the broad overview assisted by more a in-depth look at how some of the challenges (such as "big data") are solved. In particular, the speaker aims to give the audience pointers to how they can find out more in order to address their own data challenges.
Keywords data science , scientific computing , STFC food network
Funding Information STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Presentation Presented at SFN AgriFood Innovation Webinars, Online, 15 Apr 2021. data-jensen.pptx 2021