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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/49945
Record Status Checked
Record Id 49945
Title Deconfinement and quantum liquid crystalline states of dipolar fermions in optical lattices
Abstract We describe a simple model of fermions in quasi-one dimension that features interaction-induced deconfinement (a phase transition where the effective dimensionality of the system increases as interactions are turned on) and which can be realised using dipolar fermions in an optical lattice [1]. The model provides a relisation of a "soft quantum matter" phase diagram of strongly-correlated fermions, featuring meta-nematic, smectic and crystalline states, in addition to the normal Fermi liquid. In this paper we review the model and discuss in detail the mechanism behind each of these transitions on the basis of bosonization and detailed analysis of the RPA susceptibility.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-THEORY , STFC
Keywords Physics
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Int J Mod Phys B 23, no. 20-21 (2009): 4074-4086. Is in proceedings of: 32nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT32), Loughborough, United Kingdom, 12-19 Aug 2008. doi:10.1142/S0217979209063262 2009-Carr-Quintanilla-Betouras.pdf 2009
Journal Article Int J Mod Phys B 23, no. 20-21 (2009): 4074-4086. https://doi.org/1…42/S0217979209063262 2009