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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/50856
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Record Id 50856
Title Limits on Bose-Einstein condensation in confined solid 4He
Abstract We report neutron-scattering measurements of the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) fraction, n 0 , in solid helium that has a large surface to volume (S/V) ratio. Rittner and Reppy observed large superfluid fractions, ? S /? , in large S/V samples with ? S /? approximately proportional to S/V , up to ? S /?=20% at S/V=150?cm ?1 . Our goal is to reveal whether there is BEC associated with these large ? S /? . Our solid volume is 100?cm 3 of commercial grade helium at 41 bars pressure (T c ?200?mK) in a cell that has S/V=40?cm ?1 that cannot be quenched rapidly. We find no evidence for BEC or algebraic off diagonal long-range order with n 0 =0.0±0.3% at 65 mK.
Organisation ISIS , ISIS-MARI , STFC
Keywords ISIS 2009 Update , ISIS 2009 , Physics , Supersolid helium , Neutron scattering
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Phys Rev B 80 (2009): 060504(R). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.80.060504 2009