
The open archive for STFC research publications

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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/51773
Record Status Checked
Record Id 51773
Title Institutional Repositories and Current Research Information Systems
Abstract IRs (Institutional repositories) with deposit by the author of the ?green? peer-reviewed publication provide a mechanism through OA (open access) for improved access to scholarly output and for an organisation to showcase its intellectual property. Increasingly organizations are mandating that their employed researchers deposit published material in the IR. Research funders are increasingly mandating that publications be deposited in an OA repository: some mandate a central (or subject-based) repository, some an IR. In parallel publishers are offering OA but replacing subscription-based access by author (or author institution) payment for publishing. CRIS (Current Research Information Systems) provide researchers, research managers, innovators and others with information on the research activity of an organisation or domain. CRIS may be central (e.g. a national research funding organisation) or institutional (managing the research activity of a university). CERIF (Common-European Research Information Format) is an EU recommendation to member states for CRIS. This canonical standard allows interoperability across CRIS. Among other features, CERIF provides metadata describing publications with formal syntax and declared semantics so facilitating interoperation or homogeneous access over heterogeneous sources. Furthermore the CRIS provides the contextual setting for the publication including information on persons, organisations, funding, projects, facilities, equipment and also facilitates links to research datasets and software associated with the publication The formality of a CRIS is essential for reliable research output metrics, increasingly being used to determine future funding or research organizations.
Organisation STFC
Keywords Engineering
Funding Information
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Journal Article New Review of Information Networking 14 (2009): 71-83. doi:10.1080/13614570903359357 InstitutionalRepo…stems20090909(2).doc 2009