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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/53345
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Record Id 53345
Title The CERIF model as the core of a research organisation
Abstract A CERIF-CRIS consists of base entities with records describing components of the research and link entities describing relationships between records in the base entities. As an example, three base entities may contain records describing a person, a publication and a project while two link entities relate respectively the person to the publication in role author and the person to the project in role project leader. This powerful linking or inter-relating capability includes temporal as well as role aspects and inter-relates dynamically and flexibly all the components of R&D. The CERIF model can be extended to inter-relate appropriate information from legacy information systems in an organisation such as those covering accounting, human resources, project management, assets, stock control etc. A CERIF-CRIS can thus provide a flexible low-cost integration comparable with an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System, particularly in an organisation with R&D as its primary business.
Organisation ESC , STFC
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Data Sci J 9 (2010): CRIS7-CRIS13. CRIS 2 Jeffery Th…evision 20100420.doc 2010