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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/53581
Record Status Checked
Record Id 53581
Title Bulk data copy description generalizations (some DMI/JSDL overlap) and recursive file/dir copying between different sources and sinks
Abstract This presentation was given at the OGF forum, Munich 2010 and covers the following: 1) Presents some overlap in existing data copy activity descriptions, including the data staging model of the Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) and the OGSA Data Movement Interface (DMI). 2) An illustration of some new draft proposals for DMI to address 'Bulk Data Copying' between multiple data sources and sinks, and a proposed DMI-common element set.
Organisation ESC , STFC , ESC-SCT
Keywords Standards , JSDL , DMI , data source sink , Data copy transfer
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Presentation Presented at Open Grid Forum 28 (OGF 28), Munich, Germany , 14-18 Mar 2010. doc15928.pptx 2010