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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/54090274
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Record Id 54090274
Title Pilot experiment for muonium photo ionization in GaAs
Abstract Direct observation of muonium photo ionization in GaAs was tried for the first time, with wide range wave length from 1325nm to 800nm lasers in n-type GaAs at 15 K. Recently, Lichti et al. determined the energy levels in the band gap of T center muonium (as an acceptor) and BC muonium (as a donor) by reanalysis of the existing data obtained by various μSR techniques for several semiconductors like Si, Ge, GaAs, GaP etc. In these semiconductors, GaAs is the best sample to apply the muonium photo ionization method for the first time, because the energy level of T center muonium is above 0.54 eV from the valence band, therefore the ionization energy for MuT− → MuT0+e− is 0.98eV (corresponding laser wave length is 1260nm), which is within the region of present OPO laser system produced, which was installed RIKEN-RAL.
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article J Phys Conf Ser 225 (2010): 012004. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/225/1/012004 2010