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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/54090454
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Record Id 54090454
Title Pressure-induced new magnetic phase in Tl(Cu0.985Mg0.015)Cl3 probed by muon spin rotation
Abstract We carried out zero-field muon-spin-rotation (ZF-μSR) measurements in hydrostatic pressures in impurity-doped quantum spin gap system Tl(Cu0.985Mg0.015)Cl3 to investigate microscopic magnetic properties of the pressure-induced phase. The spontaneous muon spin precession, which indicates the existence of a long-range coherent order, is observed in pressures. With decreasing temperature in 3.1 kbar, the internal static magnetic field at the muon sites Hint tends to saturate to 280 Oe around 4 K, however, decreases to 240 Oe at 2.3 K. These results suggest a rearrangement of ordered spins, and we speculate that the oblique antiferromagnetic phase, which is observed in the pressure of 14 kbar on the pure TlCuCl3, appears in the Mg-doped system in lower pressures.
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article J Phys Conf Ser 225 (2010): 012054. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/225/1/012054 2010