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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/54187672
Record Status Checked
Record Id 54187672
Title Supporting Infrastructure Communities on DAFNI
Abstract DAFNI (a Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure) is a major national facility, based at the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), which supports cross-disciplinary collaborative research in infrastructure engineering and environmental science. DAFNI holds users’ data and allows them to run models together in a system-of-systems approach. Thus, the platform provides a common place for data and models to be shared and used together, to explore new scenarios without needing direct access to the code, and then kept as a legacy space, which can be accessed by stakeholders after the end of research projects. This allows DAFNI to support programs that aim to solve complex problems in national infrastructure, and to support and enhance decision making. The DAFNI platform is currently supporting a diverse array of infrastructure projects, including projects aimed at evaluating the impact of climate change on transport and energy networks, and informing how best to mitigate these impacts. We are also leading a drive to implement digital twins, a concept which will give combine real time data collection and infrastructure modelling, in order to inform policy, and feedback into decision making loops in a scientifically informed manner. The preservation of historical data and models is critical to this process and is central to the DAFNI project. In this paper we will discuss the infrastructure underpinning DAFNI, and results from ongoing work. We will present work from several projects, including, but not limited to, the Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo), emissions modelling for global shipping (a UCL based project), and OpenCLIM (The Open Climate Impact Framework). After reviewing our current work, we will cover future challenges and objectives for the DAFNI project.
Keywords OpenCLIM , HTC , Digital Twin , CReDo , DAFNI , EPSRC
Funding Information EPSRC, UKCRIC National Infrastructure Database, Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation Facilities (EP/R012202/1); EPSRC, Dafni-Research Only Strategic Equipment (Dafni-ROSE) (EP/V054082/1)
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In PV2023: Adding Value (to) and Preserving Scientific and Technical Data (PV2023), Geneva (CERN), Switzerland, 2-5 May 2023, (2023). Conf001-PV2023-updt-fv2.pdf 2023