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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/61642
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Record Id 61642
Title Acceleration in the linear non-scaling fixed-field alternating-gradient accelerator EMMA, Electron Model for Many Applications
S Machida (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab.) (Pr.Au.), R Barlow (Huddersfield U.), JS Berg (Brookhaven National Lab.), N Bliss (STFC Daresbury Lab.), RK Buckley (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), JA Clarke (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), MK Craddock (TRIUMF and British Columbia U.), R D'Arcy (UCL), R Edgecock (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab., and Huddersfield U.), JM Garland (Cockcroft Inst., and Manchester Univ.), Y Giboudot (Cockcroft Inst., and Brunel Univ.), P Goudket (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst. ), S Griffiths (Australian Synchrotron and STFC Daresbury Lab.), C Hill (STFC Daresbury Lab.), SF Hill (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), KM Hock (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.), DJ Holder (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.), MG Ibison (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.), F Jackson (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Univ.)ORCID icon, SP Jamison (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Univ.), C Johnstone (Fermilab National Accelerator Lab.), JK Jones (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, LB Jones (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, A Kalinin (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), E Keil (CERN), DJ Kelliher (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab.), IW Kirkman (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.), S Koscielniak (TRIUMF), K Marinov (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), N Marks (STFC Daresbury Lab., Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.), B Martlew (STFC Daresbury Lab.), PA McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), JW McKenzie (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, F Méot (Fermilab National Accelerator Lab.), KJ Middleman (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Moss (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), BD Muratori (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), J Orrett (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), HL Owen (Cockcroft Inst., and Manchester Univ.)ORCID icon, J Pasternak (Rutherford Appleton Lab., and UCL), KJ Peach (John Addams Institute of Accelerator Science), MW Poole (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), Y Rao (TRIUMF), Y Saveliev (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), DJ Scott (STFC Daresbury Lab., Cockcroft Inst., and Fermilab National Accelerator Lab), SL Sheehy (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab., and John Addams Institute of Accelerator Science), BJA Shepherd (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), R Smith (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), SL Smith (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Trbojevic (Fermilab National Accelerator Lab.), S Tzenov (Lancaster U.), T Weston (STFC Daresbury Lab.), A Wheelhouse (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), PH Williams (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, A Wolski (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.)ORCID icon, T Yokoi (John Addams Institute of Accelerator Science)
Abstract In a fixed-field alternating-gradient (FFAG) accelerator, eliminating pulsed magnet operation permits rapid acceleration to synchrotron energies, but with a much higher beam-pulse repetition rate. Conceived in the 1950s, FFAGs are enjoying renewed interest, fuelled by the need to rapidly accelerate unstable muons for future high-energy physics colliders. Until now a ‘scaling’ principle has been applied to avoid beam blow-up and loss. Removing this restriction produces a new breed of FFAG, a non-scaling variant, allowing powerful advances in machine characteristics. We report on the first non-scaling FFAG, in which orbits are compacted to within 10mm in radius over an electron momentum range of 12–18MeV/c. In this strictly linear-gradient FFAG, unstable beam regions are crossed, but acceleration via a novel serpentine channel is so rapid that no significant beam disruption is observed. This result has significant implications for future particle accelerators, particularly muon and high-intensity proton accelerators.
Keywords Physics , EMMA
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Nat Phys 8 (2012): 243-247. doi:10.1038/NPHYS2179 2012