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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/62361
Record Status Checked
Record Id 62361
Title Systems approach to the design of the CCD sensors and camera electronics for the AIA and HMI instruments on Solar Dynamics Observatory
Abstract Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is imaging the Sun in many wavelengths near simultaneously and with a resolution ten times higher than the average high-definition television. In this paper we describe our innovative systems approach to the design of the CCD cameras for two of SDO's remote sensing instruments, the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). Both instruments share use of a custom-designed 16 million pixel science-grade CCD and common camera readout electronics. A prime requirement was for the CCD to operate with significantly lower drive voltages than before, motivated by our wish to simplify the design of the camera readout electronics. Here, the challenge lies in the design of circuitry to drive the CCD's highly capacitive electrodes and to digitize its analogue video output signal with low noise and to high precision. The challenge is greatly exacerbated when forced to work with only fully space-qualified, radiation-tolerant components. We describe our systems approach to the design of the AIA and HMI CCD and camera electronics, and the engineering solutions that enabled us to comply with both mission and instrument science requirements.
Organisation STFC , RALSP , RALSP - ISD
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Language English (EN)
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Journal Article Proc SPIE 10565 (2017): 1056503. Is in proceedings of: International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO 2010), Rhodes Island, Greece, 4-8 Oct 2010. doi:10.1117/12.2309196 2017