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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/64276
Record Status Checked
Record Id 64276
Title Oblique ionospheric sounder. Final report
Abstract The ionosphere, which is that part of the Earth's upper atmosphere that is ionised by radiation from the sun, effects radio propagation from the extremely low frequencies (<3kHz) to super high frequencies (30GHz). Below 30 MHz the ionosphere is an essential part of the propagation, whereas above 30MHz the ionosphere is a source of band pollution particularly at night in the LF and MF bands (30kHz to 3MHz) and system disruption for Earth-space communications such as navigation systems. The nature of the ionosphere is intimately linked with the fluctuations in the emissions from the sun as well as the state of the Earth's atmosphere. This makes it highly variable and level of disruption to communications difficult to predict at the moment. The changing state of the ionosphere is generally monitored by networks of vertical ionosondes. These radars transmit and receive HF (1- 30MHz) radio waves to and from the ionosphere directly above the monitoring station. The result is real-time information on the state of the ionosphere needed by communications users allowing them to adapt their operational systems accordingly. The oblique ionospheric sounder extends this idea. The transmitter and receiver of the oblique sounder are not co-located like the vertical but are generally hundreds thousands of kilometres apart. So the instrument is able to study how the radio signals of real communications (below 30MHz) propagate via the ionosphere under a variety of conditions. However the interpretation of the oblique propagation is also significantly harder than the case of the vertical.
Organisation CCLRC , SSTD
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report Radiocommunications Agency D42-1 Final Report. Bamford_RA_Eclips…inal_report_2000.pdf 2000