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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/64385
Record Status Checked
Record Id 64385
Title Requirements for data catalogues within facilities
Abstract The PaN-Data Open Data Infrastructure project [3] is investigating the deployment and use of data catalogues to provide a common approach to federated data publication, search and access within its participating facilities across Europe. As the initial stage of this activity, it has developed a set of criteria for evaluating data cataloguing systems for potential reuse and redeployment across the facilities. These criteria range from the metadata stored in the catalogues, the extent to which they can be integrated into the facilities processes, their scalability, to their support and total cost of ownership. In this presentation, we shall discuss the role of data catalogues in facilities infrastructure, which we then use to motivate and justify these criteria, and consider how they would apply to existing data cataloguing systems.
Organisation STFC , ESC-SA , SCI-COMP
Keywords ICAT , PanData , data catalogue , data management
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Language English (EN)
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Presentation Presented at 9th Conference on New Opportunities for Better User Group Software (NoBugs 2012), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 24-26 Sept 2012. nobugs2012-DataCat-requirements.pdf