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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/65512
Record Status Checked
Record Id 65512
Title The Conceptual Design of CLARA, A Novel FEL Test Facility for Ultrashort Pulse Generation
J Clarke (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Angal-Kalinin (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, RK Buckley (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), S Buckley (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), PA Corlett (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), L Cowie (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Dunning (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, BD Fell (STFC Daresbury Lab.), P Goudket (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Goulden (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), S Jamison (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), J Jones (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, A Kalinin (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), B Liggins (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), L Ma (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), K Marinov (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), P McIntosh (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), JW McKenzie (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, K Middleman (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), BL Militsyn (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, A Moss (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), B Muratori (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), H Owen (Cockcroft Inst., and Manchester Univ.)ORCID icon, R Santer (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), Y Saveliev (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), R Smith (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), SL Smith (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), EW Snedden (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, M Surman (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), TT-T Thakker (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), N Thompson (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), R Valizadeh (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Wheelhouse (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), P Williams (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.)ORCID icon, S Chattopadhyay (Cockcroft Inst., and Liverpool Univ.), R Bartolini, I Martin, A Lyapin, G Burt (Cockcroft Inst., and Lancaster Univ.)ORCID icon, V Paramonov, ST Boogert, N Bliss (STFC Daresbury Lab.), R Cash (STFC Daresbury Lab.), G Cox (STFC Daresbury Lab.), GP Diakun (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), A Gallagher (STFC Daresbury Lab.), D Holland (STFC Daresbury Lab.), B Martlew (STFC Daresbury Lab.), MD Roper (STFC Daresbury Lab., and Cockcroft Inst.), D Newton, A Wolski (University of Liverpool)ORCID icon, R Appleby (Cockcroft Inst., and Manchester Univ.), M Serluca (Cockcroft Inst., and Manchester Univ.), G Xia (Cockcroft Inst., and Manchester Univ.), LT Campbell, BWJ McNeil, RJ Barlow, AM Kolano
Organisation ASTeC , ASTeC-AP , ASTeC-MaRS , CI , STFC , ASTeC-Ph , ASTeC-RFC , ASTeC-DL
Keywords physics , CLARA
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Paper In Conference Proceedings In 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'13), Shanghai, China, 12-17 May, 2013, IPAC2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (2013): 1265-1267. http://accelconf.…/papers/tupea058.pdf 2013