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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/35319
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Record Id 35319
Title Towards a Common Data and Command Representation for Quantum Chemistry
Abstract Computational chemistry increasingly requires the use of a variety of applications in close cooperation to solve complex problems, and the realisation of Grid technologies has provided a strong technological framework for such integration. However, communication between applications is still hindered by a lack of data format standards and agreed semantics. Consideration of a common data and command representation would alleviate some of this difficulty. In addition, the storage of data in a 'universal' format with suitable meta-data would simplify its analysis, interpretation and appropriate re-use. Another aim is to be able to log metadata conforming to a known data model such that scientific procedures can be more reliably repeatable. Simple conversion between existing application data formats is error prone and not scalable, and a solution is to find a common 'middle ground' for the data representation. The eCCP1 project has been established to formulate the requirements for enabling effective use of Grid resources by the quantum chemistry community. More specifically, the project investigates Grid middleware, compute resources, client tools and tracks and develops standards in data and command representation.
Organisation CCLRC , CSE , ESC , CSE-CCG , ESC-FW
Keywords Chemistry , XML , data , eCCP , semantics
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Language English (EN)
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Paper In Conference Proceedings In UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004 (AHM2004), Nottingham, UK, 31 Aug 2004 - 3 Sept 2004, (2004). 254.pdf 2004