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Persistent URL http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/53999586
Record Status Checked
Record Id 53999586
Title The geometrical reconstruction of bubble chamber tracks
Abstract The Geometrical Reconstruction Program of the Rutherford Laboratory bubble chamber analysis system is described in detail. The program uses a two-stage process to reconstruct the tracks in space. In the first stage a circle is fitted to the space points on the track found by the method of corresponding points. The results of this fit are used to fit a helix to the rays of all three views of the track. The helix is given a mass-dependent correction to allow for the slowing down of the particle in the chamber liquid. The program is built into a library and book-keeping system, which is also described.
Organisation PPD , STFC
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Language English (EN)
Type Details URI(s) Local file(s) Year
Report NIRL NIRL/R/14. National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, 1963. NIRL-R-14.pdf 1963